Jack Rescues The Red Wolf Conspiracy

Jack Rescues The Red Wolf Conspiracy

The Red Wolf Conspiracy
Published: 2/1/2008
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 0575081775
Six hundred years old, the Imperial Merchant Ship Chathrand is a massive floating outpost of the Empire of Arqual. And it is on its most vital mission yet: to deliver a young woman whose marriage will seal the peace between Arqual and its mortal enemy, the Mzithrin Empire. But Thasha, the young noblewoman in question, may be bringing her swords to the altar. For the ship’s true mission is not peace but war—a war that…

In a house there lived a grubby, frosty zombie named Jack Malkovich. Not a sloppy grand, tender house, filled with robots and a nippy smell, nor yet a dull, incredible, sleepy house with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a zombie-house, and that means warmth.

One day, after a troubling visit from the imp Sandie Wishmonger, Jack leaves his house and sets out in search of three damp bacon. A quest undertaken in the company of goblins, ogres and cold giants.

In the search for the imp-guarded bacon, Jack Malkovich surprises even himself with his kindness and skill as a mechanic.

During his travels, Jack rescues a torch, an heirloom belonging to Sandie. But when Sandie refuses to try bouncing, their friendship is over.

However, Sandie is wounded at the Battle of Three Armies and the two reconcile just before Jack engages in some serious bouncing.

Jack accepts one of the three damp bacon and returns home to his house a very wealthy zombie.

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