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    来源:bevictor伟德官网 时间:2021年09月17日 11:55 点击数:

    潘长桂,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。20146月博士毕业于中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,20169月中国科学院广州地球化学研究所博士后流动站出站,同时进入bevictor伟德官网工作。期间于201811月至201911月在荷兰Wageningen   University访学研究。主要致力于海洋中新型有机污染物的环境行,生态毒理与环境生态修复治理方面的研究。发表科研论文50余篇,   论文总引3000多次;主持国家自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金,广西自然科学基金和广西创新发展驱动专项子课题和中国博士后基金等多个项目。

    Email: panchanggui@hotmail.com; panchanggui@gxu.edu.cn




    1.        国家自然科学基金:典型新型全()氟化合物在北部湾河口近海的多介质迁移转化与影响机制研究,420670542021-2024,负责人。

    2.        广西科技重大专项:广西北部湾有害赤潮快速监测、预警及消除关键技术研发与示范,桂科AA172020202017-2020,子课题负责人。

    3.        广西创新发展驱动专项:离岸海域设施化网箱装备研制与养殖技术创新,桂科AA182420312018-2021,课题负责人。

    4.        广西自然科学基金:全氟化合物替代品的环境生物地球化学过程及其机理,2018GXNSFAA0501442019-2021,负责人。

    5.        国家自然科学基金:典型杀生剂在淡水绿藻中的吸附、生物转化及毒理研究,41503108; 2016-2018,负责人。

    6.        广东省自然科学基金:全氟化合物在珠江三角洲污水处理系统工艺段中的残留特征、去除机理及其暴露风险,2015A0303103872015-2017,负责人。



    1.        Pan C-G, Mintenig SM, Redondo-Hasselerharm PE, Neijenhuis PH, Yu K-F, Wang Y-H, Albert A Koelmans. Automated μFTIR imaging demonstrates taxon-specific and selective uptake of microplastic by freshwater invertebrates. Environmental Science & Technology. 2021;55(14):9916-25.

    2.        Xiao S-K, Wu Q, Pan C-G, Yin C, Wang Y-H, Yu K-F. Distribution, partitioning behavior and potential source of legacy and alternative per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in water and sediments from a subtropical Gulf, South China sea. Environmental Research. 2021:111485.   

    3.        Wu Q, Pan C-G, Wang Y-H, Xiao S-K, Yu K-F. Antibiotics in a subtropical food web from the Beibu Gulf, South China: Occurrence, bioaccumulation and trophic transfer. Science of the Total Environment. 2021;751:141718.

    4.        Pan C-G, Xiao S-K, Yu K-F, Wu Q, Wang Y-H. Legacy and alternative per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances in a subtropical marine food web from the Beibu Gulf, South China: Fate, trophic transfer and health risk assessment. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021;403:123618.

    5.        Sun R-X, Pan C-G, Peng F-J, Wu Y, Chen X, Mai B. Alternative halogenated flame retardants (AHFRs) in green mussels from the south China sea. Environmental Research. 2020;182:109082.

    6.        Sun R-X, Pan C-G, Li QX, Peng F-J, Mai B-X. Occurrence and congener profiles of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in green mussels (Perna viridis) collected from northern South China Sea and the associated potential health risk. Science of The Total Environment. 2020;698:134276.

    7.        Pan C-G, Wang Y-H, Yu K-F, Zhang W, Zhang J, Guo J. Occurrence and distribution of perfluoroalkyl substances in surface riverine and coastal sediments from the Beibu Gulf, south China. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2020;150:110706.

    8.        Liang Y-Q, Xu W, Liang X, Jing Z, Pan C-G, Tian F. The synthetic progestin norethindrone causes thyroid endocrine disruption in adult zebrafish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology. 2020;236:108819.

    9.        Cheng B, Peng F-J, Liu Q-R, Ke C-L, Liu Q, Pan C-G. Nationwide assessment of persistent halogenated compounds (PHCs) in farmed golden pompano of China. Food Chemistry. 2020;313:126135.

    10.    Chen J, Sun R, Pan C, Sun Y, Mai B, Li QX. Antibiotics and food safety in aquaculture. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2020;68(43):11908-19.

    11.    Peng F-J, Diepens NJ, Pan C-G, Ying G-G, Salvito D, Selck H, et al. Response of sediment bacterial community to triclosan in subtropical freshwater benthic microcosms. Environmental Pollution. 2019;248:676-83.

    12.    Pan C-G, Yu K-F, Wang Y-H, Zhang W, Zhang J, Guo J. Perfluoroalkyl substances in the riverine and coastal water of the Beibu Gulf, South China: Spatiotemporal distribution and source identification. Science of the Total Environment. 2019;660:297-305.

    13.    Cui Y, Wang YH, Pan C-G, Li RL, Xue R, Guo J, et al. Spatiotemporal distributions, source apportionment and potential risks of 15 pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in Qinzhou Bay, South China. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2019;141:104-11.

    14.    Su H-C, Liu Y-S, Pan C-G, Chen J, He L-Y, Ying G-G. Persistence of antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial community changes in drinking water treatment system: from drinking water source to tap water. Science of the Total Environment. 2018;616:453-61.

    15.    Peng F-J, Ying G-G, Pan C-G, Selck H, Salvito D, Van den Brink PJ. Bioaccumulation and biotransformation of triclosan and galaxolide in the freshwater oligochaete Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri in a water/sediment microcosm. Environmental Science & Technology. 2018;52(15):8390-8.

    16.    Peng F-J, Diepens NJ, Pan C-G, Bracewell SA, Ying G-G, Salvito D, et al. Fate and effects of sediment-associated triclosan in subtropical freshwater microcosms. Aquatic Toxicology. 2018;202:117-25.

    17.    Pan C-G, Yu K-F, Wang Y-H, Zhang R-J, Huang X-Y, Wei C-S, et al. Species-specific profiles and risk assessment of perfluoroalkyl substances in coral reef fishes from the South China Sea. Chemosphere. 2018;191:450-7.

    18.    Pan C-G, Peng F-J, Ying G-G. Removal, biotransformation and toxicity variations of climbazole by freshwater algae Scenedesmus obliquus. Environmental Pollution. 2018;240:534-40.

    19.    Pan C-G, Peng F-J, Shi W-J, Hu L-X, Wei X-D, Ying G-G. Triclosan-induced transcriptional and biochemical alterations in the freshwater green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2018;148:393-401.

    20.    Peng F-J, Pan C-G, Zhang M, Zhang N-S, Windfeld R, Salvito D, et al. Occurrence and ecological risk assessment of emerging organic chemicals in urban rivers: Guangzhou as a case study in China. Science of the Total Environment. 2017;589:46-55.

    21.    Pan C-G, Liu Y-S, Ying G-G. Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in wastewater treatment plants and drinking water treatment plants: Removal efficiency and exposure risk. Water Research. 2016;106:562-70.

    22.    Zhao J-L, Liu Y-S, Liu W-R, Jiang Y-X, Su H-C, Zhang Q-Q, et al. Tissue-specific bioaccumulation of human and veterinary antibiotics in bile, plasma, liver and muscle tissues of wild fish from a highly urbanized region. Environmental Pollution. 2015;198:15-24.

    23.    Zhang Q-Q, Ying G-G, Pan C-G, Liu Y-S, Zhao J-L. Comprehensive evaluation of antibiotics emission and fate in the river basins of China: source analysis, multimedia modeling, and linkage to bacterial resistance. Environmental Science & Technology. 2015;49(11):6772-82.

    24.    Pan C-G, Ying G-G, Zhao J-L, Liu Y-S, Liu S-S, Du J, et al. Spatial distribution of perfluoroalkyl substances in surface sediments of five major rivers in China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2015;68(3):566-76.

    25.    Zhang Q-Q, Zhao J-L, Ying G-G, Liu Y-S, Pan C-G. Emission estimation and multimedia fate modeling of seven steroids at the river basin scale in China. Environmental Science & Technology. 2014;48(14):7982-92.

    26.    Pan C-G, Zhao J-L, Liu Y-S, Zhang Q-Q, Chen Z-F, Lai H-J, et al. Bioaccumulation and risk assessment of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances in wild freshwater fish from rivers in the Pearl River Delta region, South China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2014;107:192-9.

    27.    Chen Z-F, Ying G-G, Liu Y-S, Zhang Q-Q, Zhao J-L, Liu S-S, et al. Triclosan as a surrogate for household biocides: an investigation into biocides in aquatic environments of a highly urbanized region. Water Research. 2014;58:269-79.

    28.    Chen Z-F, Ying G-G, Jiang Y-X, Yang B, Lai H-J, Liu Y-S, et al. Photodegradation of the azole fungicide fluconazole in aqueous solution under UV-254: Kinetics, mechanistic investigations and toxicity evaluation. Water Research. 2014;52:83-91.

    29.    Pan C-G, Ying G-G, Zhao J-L, Liu Y-S, Jiang Y-X, Zhang Q-Q. Spatiotemporal distribution and mass loadings of perfluoroalkyl substances in the Yangtze River of China. Science of the Total Environment. 2014;493:580-7.

    30.    Pan C-G, Ying G-G, Liu Y-S, Zhang Q-Q, Chen Z-F, Peng F-J, et al. Contamination profiles of perfluoroalkyl substances in five typical rivers of the Pearl River Delta region, South China. Chemosphere. 2014;114:16-25.


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