张媛媛,工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师,2010年6月毕业于中山大学,获环境工程博士学位,长期从事海洋环境污染控制理论与技术研究。主要研究方向:海水消毒处理及高级氧化技术。自2010年7月进入韦德官方网站工作以来,主要承担《海洋科学导论》、《海洋环境监测》等本科生与研究生课程,培养硕士研究生10人,获得2018年韦德官方网站十佳研究生导师称号,毕业生均发表2篇以上SCI论文,多人荣获研究生国家奖学金。科研方面以第一作者及通讯作者发表SCI论文10余篇,获国家发明专利3项。主持国家自然科学基金2项,中国博士后科学基金1项,省部、市级科研课题多项,国家自然科学基金及广西自然科学基金函评专家。同时取得国家注册环境影响评价师及清洁生产审核团队格,入选广西环境影响评价审查专家库,广西清洁生产审核专家库,从事有关工作。 |
[1] 主持2016年国家自然科学基金项目:海产养殖用抗生素氯化消毒副产物的生成机制与控制方法研究(51668005);
[2] 主持2013年国家自然科学基金项目:基于分子印迹技术的多相类Fenton的选择性催化氧化及机理研究(21267002);
[3] 主持中国博士后基金第59批面上资助项目:氨酸络合淋洗强化电动力修复对持久性有毒物质污染土壤的自催化净化机理研究(2016M592607);
[4] 主持2014年广西自然科学基金项目面上项目:基于配位聚合原理的新型重金属镉沉淀剂的研制及沉淀机理分析(2014GXNSFAA118296);
[5] 主持2011年广西自然科学基金青年基金项目:蔗渣制浆废水深度处理的关键技术及其相关科学问题研究(2011GXNSFB018020);
[6] 主持2015年广西自然科学基金青年基金滚动资助项目:蔗渣制浆废水深度处理的关键技术及其相关科学问题研究(2015GXNSFBB139009);
[7] 主持2017年广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室开放基金:膜/多相类Fenton耦合氧化装备对蔗渣制浆废水强化处理技术的研究(KF201719);
[8] 主持2017年广西教育厅教改项目:《水污染控制工程》教学中的慕课设计和实践(2017JGB129)。
[9] 主持2020年广西自然科学基金面上项目:北部湾经济区海产养殖系统中基于PPCPs的消毒副产物成因与控制方法研究(2020GXNSFAA159135)
[1] Y.Y. Zhang, R.Y. Xiao, S.F. Wang*, H.X. Zhu, H.N. Song, G.N. Chen, H.F. Lin, J. Zhang, J.H. Xiong, Oxygen vacancy enhancing Fenton-like catalytic oxidation of norfloxacin over prussian blue modified CeO2: Performance and mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 398 (2020) 122863.
[2] Y.Y. Zhang#, L.Y. Li#, Z.H. Pan, Y.J. Zhu, Y.N. Shao, Y.H. Wang, K.F. Yu*, Degradation of sulfamethoxazole by UV/persulfate in different water samples: Influential factors, transformation products and toxicity. Chemical Engineering Journal, 379 (2020) 122354.
[3] Y.J. Zhu, M. Wei, Z.H. Pan, L.Y. Li, J.Y. Liang, K.F. Yu, Y.Y. Zhang*, Ultraviolet/peroxydisulfate degradation of ofloxacin in seawater: Kinetics, mechanism and toxicity of products. Science of the Total Environment, 705 (2020) 135960.
[4] Z.H. Pan, Y.J. Zhu, M. Wei, Y.Y. Zhang*, K.F. Yu*, Interactions of fluoroquinolone antibiotics with sodium hypochlorite in bromide-containing synthetic water: Reaction kinetics and transformation pathways. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 102 (2021) 170–184.
[5]Y.Y. Zhang*, Y. Xiong, Y. K.Tang, Y. Xiong, Y. K.Tang, Degradation oforganic pollutants by an integrated photo-Fenton-like catalysis/immersedmembrane separation system. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 244-245 (2013) 758-764.
[6]Z.H.Pan, Y.J. Zhu, L.Y. Li, Y.N. Shao, Y.H. Wang, K.F. Yu, H.X. Zhu, Y.Y.Zhang*,Transformation of norfloxacinduring the chlorination of marine culture water in the presence of iodide ions,Environmental Pollution, 246 (2019) 717-727
[7]Y.Y. Zhang*, Z.H. Pan, C.Rong, Y.N. Shao, Y.H. Wang, K.F. Yu,Transformationof antibacterial agent roxithromycin in sodium hypochlorite disinfectionprocess of different water matrices, Separation and Purification Technology,212(2019) 528–535.
[8] Y.N. Shao, Z.H. Pan, C. Rong, Y.H. Wang, H.X. Zhu, Y.Y.Zhang*, K.F. Yu*, 17β-estradiol as precursors of Cl/Br-DBPs in thedisinfection process of different water samples. Environmental Pollution,241(2018)9-18.
[9]C.Rong, Y.N. Shao, Y.H. Wang, Y.Y. Zhang*, K.F. Yu, Formation ofdisinfection byproducts from sulfamethoxazole during sodium hypochloritedisinfection of marine culture water, Environmental Science and PollutionResearch, 25(2018)33196–33206.
[10]Y.Y. Zhang, C. Rong, Y.Q. Song, Y.H. Wang, J.Y. Pei, X.Y. Tang, R.J.Zhang, K.F. Yu*,Oxidation of theantibacterial agent norfloxacin during sodium hypochlorite disinfection ofmarine culture water. Chemosphere, 182 (2017)245-254.
[11]Y.Q. Song, C. Rong, J.B. Shang, Y.H. Wang, Y.Y. Zhang*, K.F. Yu*, Synthesis of an inorganic-framework molecularly imprintedFe-doped TiO2 composite and its selective photo-Fenton-likedegradation of acid orange II. Journalof Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 92 (2017) 2038-2049.
[12]Y.Y. Zhang,J.B. Shang,Y.Q. Song,C. Rong, Y.H. Wang,W.Y. Huang,K.F. Yu*,Selective Fenton-like oxidation of methylene blue on modifiedFe-zeolites prepared via molecular imprinting technique. Water science &technology,75(2017) 659-669.
[13]Y.Q. Song, J.B. Shang, C. Rong, Y.H. Wang, Y.Y. Zhang*, K.F. Yu*, L.Y.Chen, Selective Fenton-likecatalytic oxidation of acid orange II on inorganic heterogeneous molecularimprinted catalysts.Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 20 (2017)1-13.
[14]J.B. Shang,Y.Q. Song,C. Rong, Y.H. Wang,L.W. Wang,Y.Y. Zhang*,K.F. Yu*, Preparation and selectiveadsorption performance of Fe/SiO2/Al molecularly imprinted particles, Water science&technology, 74 (2016) 1193-1201.
[15] Y.Y. Zhang, C. He, V.K. Sharma, X.Z. Li, S.H.Tian, Y. Xiong* A coupling process of membrane separation and heterogeneousFenton-like catalytic oxidation for treatment of acid orange II-containingwastewater. Separation and Purification Technology, 80 (2011) 45-51.
[16]Y.Y. Zhang, C. He, V.K. Sharma, X.Z. Li, S.H. Tian, Y. Xiong* A newreactor coupling heterogeneous Fenton-like catalytic oxidation with membraneseparation for degradation of organic pollutants. Journal of ChemicalTechnology and Biotechnology, 86 (2011) 1488-1494.
[17]Y.Y. Zhang, J.H. Deng, C. He, S.S. Huang, S.H. Tian, Y. Xiong*Application of Fe2V4O13 as a new multi-metalheterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst to degradation of organic pollutants.Environmental Technology, 31(2010)145-154.
[18]Y.Y. Zhang, C. He, J.H. Deng, Y. Xiong* Photo-Fenton-like andFenton-like CatalyticActivities of Nano-lamellar Fe2V4O13towards Degradation of Organic Pollutants. Research on Chemical Intermediates,35(2009)727-737.